TongFang GX5 15.3-inch Metal Ultrabook
Iedere klant krijgt de mogelijkheid om ons een beoordeling te geven. Wij verzamelen onafhankelijk beoordelingen via Kiyoh. Op deze pagina lees je wat klanten van ons vinden.
Dear Paolo, How unpleasant to read that we may have made a mistake with your order by installing Ubuntu instead of Debian. Our apologies for making this mistake. Of course, we would have been happy to correct this for you. I understand given the iwlwifi firmware error, that you have since installed Debian yourself. To get WiFi functional on Debian, the firmware-iwlwifi package must be installed from backports. Instead of the package, you can also download and load the firmware files separately. Should you require further information or help with the installation of the WiFi driver, we will of course be happy to help! Please contact us: Sincerely,
Hi Steve, Good or bad, many thanks for taking the time to leave a review. We are sorry to read that you are experiencing problems with your purchase and also unfortunate that you have not contacted us in any way about the problems you are experiencing. Of course, problems are unwanted with a new device. After all, we are happy to resolve it for you if you are experiencing problems with your purchase. The device was shipped on 26 July and delivered to you on 30 July 2024 (after the weekend). If you wish to make use of the right of return, this is certainly possible. You can submit your return request via this form: If you have further questions, I advise you to contact us via phone, whatsapp, email or contact form on the website: Sincerely, Laptopwithlinux
Hi David, Thank you very much for your review. We did not receive an email from you on Aug. 5, 2023. Perhaps something went wrong? Because we would of course love to send you the instructions and the backlight driver, just like we did before on your previous order. The backlight definitely works on this laptop. We have sent you an email with the information and driver. Sincerely, Laptopwithlinux
Hi Shea, Thank you very much for your wonderful review! Given your comment about USB-C charging, let me give you a little more explanation. Your chosen laptop does support USB-C charging. You will need a charger that provides 90W. By default, we ship our laptops with a regular DC charger, but we do offer a USB-C charger that fits this laptop. You may also have seen it listed in the accessories part of the configuration. The speakers in these models are indeed not of great quality. It is fine for video calls and system sounds but not suitable for listening to music. Thanks again! Comexr B.V. - laptopwithlinux
Hallo Daniël, Hartelijk dank voor uw beoordeling! Jammer dat we geen 10 hebben mogen krijgen. We zullen in het vervolg meer zicht houden op de gekozen software. Ik weet echter niet of het wel helemaal eerlijk is om LibreOffice (waar Debian standaard out-of-the-box mee komt) onder de term "bloatware" te classificeren. Het "rootaccount" is inderdaad standaard uitgeschakeld bij Debian voor login. Dit is een standaard onderdeel van Debian. Hierin is niets door ons aangepast. U kunt zich aanmelden met de normale user en vervolgens zich in terminal authenticeren als root. Dit is echt een Debian feature dat is toegepast door Debian met oog op betere security. Wij vinden het belangrijk om het besturingssysteem voor zover mogelijk onaangepast te laten. Men kiest namelijk niet voor niets voor "Debian". Nogmaals dank voor uw aankoop! Met vriendelijke groet, Laptopmetlinux - Comexr B.V.
Hi Heather, Thank you for your review! Too bad you rated us with a 4/10. I am sorry to read that you have a completely different view to this. The fancy LED keyboard (keyboard backlight) is definitely 100% fully functional in Linux. It is functional in at least all Linux distros we support (also the ones you use). We have a driver for this. I understand from the support history that this driver was also sent to you (also considering you chose to install Linux yourself and had us deliver the laptop without Linux preinstalled). Indeed, we do not (yet) have an application with graphical user interface (GUI) to control the keyboard backlight, but this is also not necessary to control it, as this can easily be done with fn + numpad keys (like almost all laptops of all brands). Also, nowhere on our website do we advertise/promise a "GUI application for keyboard backlight control". The Clevo Control Center (a Windows driver provided by the manufacturer Clevo itself) is indeed a Windows-only application. We ourselves provide drivers and applications for Linux. We are also sorry to hear that you feel it has taken a week to tell you this. But I see in the ticket history that we have always responded to your queries within 24 hours. We also sent the keyboard backlight driver within 24 hours of your query. You can still return the laptop provided you meet the return conditions. This roughly means that you can return the purchase within 14 days of receipt. You must of course have all packaging and return the laptop in the same condition as it was delivered (so without any damages, usage marks). For more information: Nonetheless, we are of course sorry that you are dissatisfied and would like to thank you for your feedback. Sincerely, Laptopwithlinux
Dear Avel, First of all, thank you very much for your review and the opportunity to respond to it. Even though your review shows a clear dissatisfaction, we hope to understand the situation and would like to work with you to find a solution. Above all, we fully agree with you that a new laptop or computer should be able to perform the tasks for which it was designed. If this is not the case, we as a supplier are legally obliged to provide a 2-year warranty on the hardware (1 year on the battery). In the past month, we have previously helped you with a software issue and solved it to your satisfaction; we therefore find it extremely unfortunate that you feel you have to complain in this way, instead of contacting us directly. You did this before as well, which is why we find it a bit strange now. Nevertheless, we are of course going to help you. The problem with the freezing of the laptop has not been reported before and is new to us, but also in this case, if it is warranty related, we will solve it under warranty, free of any charge. Precisely because we regularly receive laptops, which are reported under warranty 'because the hardware does not function properly' and after investigation it appears that the problems are caused by 3th party software installed by the customer, we are careful and indicate clearly, as also described in our warranty conditions and general conditions, that if it appears that the problems are NOT hardware related, we may charge you for investigation and shipping costs. The investigation costs is not often applied in practice. So to be clear: We have NOT told you that you cannot return the laptop for warranty. We have only told you that there may be costs associated with returning the laptop if it is not under warranty. Just for clarification. This applies to all companies that sell laptops or computers. We think it is important to inform our customers about this in advance instead of saying nothing and referring to the general terms and conditions once you have already sent the laptop. If you are still convinced that your laptop should be inspected under warranty, please apply for warranty using our online warranty registration form: I trust I have provided you with the information you require and look forward to your response. We would love to be able to solve this problem for you! Sincerely, Comexr B.V. -
Hi Laurence, Thank you very much for your nice review! We are sorry for the lack of HDMI cable. Fortunately, you still have some lying around. We have just refunded the purchase price of the HDMI cable. Send us a message when you are looking for a third device and we will provide you with a nice discount ;) Apologies again for the inconvenience! Sincerely, Comexr B.V. -
Dear Pranjal, Thank you for your review! Hereby clarification on your comments.... 1. We have a driver for fan control, which makes the higher tempratures less likely to be reached. The fan is now set to kick on as little as possible and be less audible. 88 degrees Celsius at a single window browsing is of course quite high, but there is certainly no talk of "overheating" when 88 degries Celsius is reached. 2. It can't actually be true what you say about the Ubuntu installation. We don't apply any customizations at all. We install Ubuntu in minimal version and download it from official repository. I am very curious what according to you are the "not off the shelf customizations". All we apply are our drivers and fixes for full functionality on the operating system on the choosen laptop. We would of course love to hear from you! Thanks again for the review. Sincerely, Comexr B.V. -
Beste Andries, Dank voor uw beoordeling! Jammer dat u ons beoordeeld met een 5/10. Echter fijn om te horen dat uw zoon u heeft kunnen helpen. Standaard is het iwlwifi pakket niet aanwezig bij Debian. Dat is omdat dit proprietary software (software met gesloten broncode) bevat. Het iwlwifi pakket is echter zeer eenvoudig te installeren en wij hadden u graag op verzoek de instructies toegestuurd. De standaard gebruiker heeft binnen Debian geen root rechten. Dit is standaard procedure voor Debian. Er is een aparte Root user waarmee u zich kunt aanmelden. Ook dit hadden we u graag willen aangeven bij navraag. Deze 'Quick Start Guide' is inderdaad beknopt. De betreffende handleiding beschrijft voornamelijk de aansluitingen van de laptop. Helaas ontkomen we er niet aan dat veel Engels wordt gebruikt in het computerlandschap en vooral bij Linux. Desalniettemin zijn wij momenteel bezig met het herzien van de quick startup guides en zullen deze in meerdere talen, waaronder Nederlands beschikbaar stellen. Mocht u dit wensen, wil ik u erop wijzen dat u de mogelijkheid heeft gebruik te maken van het 14 dagen retourrecht. Uiteindelijk wel goed om te horen dat de laptop verder prima werkt en de verpakking in orde is :)! Mocht u verder vragen hebben, horen wij graag van u! Met vriendelijke groet, Comexr B.V. -
Hi Tom, Thank you for your review! We are sorry to see that you rated us with 3 out of 10, but it's nice that you still recommend us. Of course I understand very well that when you just got your new laptop and something doesn't work as you would expect, you seek immediate contact. Unfortunately, we cannot always respond immediately. Of course, we will solve all the problems you describe. We respond within 24 hours on working days. We are not in the office on weekends. It can be very busy at times. For example, last friday we had two employees sitting at home with COVID. You bought a laptop from us without RAM, SSD and Linux operating system preinstalled. You have most likely installed Linux yourself. Upon request, I would have been happy to send you the drivers, fixes and instructions you need to solve the battery life problem, among others. I understood from the email you sent us that the screen is not broken, but that you have 1 dead/lazy pixel, and wanted to run a program to revive the lazy pixel. We offer 30 days dead pixel warranty so if the pixel is dead we will replace the screen under warranty (without any costs). Apologies for the inconvenience with the delivery by UPS. It could be that they were very busy that day to deliver all the packages before the weekend. I know that the UPS drivers work on a tight schedule to deliver all the parcels they have with them that day. Nevertheless, they could have rang the bell at your home and not just call. We will therefore forward your complaint to UPS in the hope that they will improve their service. I hope, and expect, that we will solve all the problems you are experiencing. I have meanwhile given you answers to your questions by email. Update 15-06-2022: After contacting us, you said that you installed Gentoo Linux yourself. This is might by very well the reason why the battery life is poor. We do not (yet) offer support for Gentoo Linux. Update 07-07-2022: In the meantime, we have offered you, at our expense, a shipping label with which you can return the laptop to us. Although the lazy pixel was very difficult to see (only visible from 10cm of the screen), we replaced the entire display under the dead-pixel warranty, in addition to putting in a new battery and returned the laptop back to you. Kind regards, Laptopwithlinux
Hi Timo, Thanks for your review! It would have been nice if you had sent us a message about this at info@, support@, via WhatsApp or called us at +31850606000. Maybe you have reinstalled Mint? You need to install kernel 5.13 or apply the fix for this 2.5 Gigabit Ethernet LAN chip. I have just sent you the commands and instructions by email! Kind regards, Comexr B.V. -
Beste, Dank voor uw beoordeling! De betreffende Intel NUC mini pc is zeker niet te nieuw voor een Linux installatie. Wij hadden graag uw systeem voorgeinstalleerd en dus kant en klaar afgeleverd zodat u kunt zien dat deze volledig functioneert. U heeft gekozen om Linux zelf te installeren en te configureren. Als u contact met ons had opgenomen hadden wij dan ook graag de instructies aangeleverd om de juiste BIOS settings in te stellen. Booten met USB drive of OS zonder secure boot is weldegelijk mogelijk met deze Intel NUC. De default kernel van Linux Mint 20, oftewel 5.4 draait zonder enige problemen met dit apparaat. Ook de kernels 5.8 en 5.13 (updates) werken volledig. Mocht u om enige reden uw aankoop ongedaan willen maken, kunt nog gebruik maken van uw 14 dagen retourrecht. Mocht u dit wensen, kunt u dit formulier indienen: Indien u de instructies alsnog wenst te ontvangen of meer informatie willen, horen wij uiteraard graag van u! Neem contact met ons op via email, contactformulier, telefoon of WhatsApp. Met vriendelijke groet, Comexr B.V - Laptopmetlinux
Beste Lilian, Dank voor uw beoordeling, dit wordt enorm gewaardeerd! Uw vragen beantwoorden we graag. - Ik mis led's voor Caps en Num Lock Op het betreffende model laptop, de Clevo NJ70CU, zitten inderdaad geen fysieke LED indicatoren voor Caps en Num Lock. Mocht u toch een indicator hiervoor wensen kunt u in Linux Mint Cinnamon een Applet genaamd 'betterlock' toevoegen waarmee u de indicatoren op het scherm krijgt te zien (bovenin de taakbalk). Ga hiervoor naar Settings > Applets > Download en selecteer hier de Num en Caps lock indenticator, zie: - Hoe stel ik een andere kleur toetsenbord verlichting in? U kunt de toetsenbord verlichting bedienen via de Fn toets en numpad keys / * - en + Meer informatie over de werking van deze toetsen kunt u lezen in de bijgeleverde startup manual in het zakje bij de laptop. Mocht u verder nog vragen hebben, hoor ik uiteraard graag van u! Met vriendelijke groet, LaptopmetLinux
Dear Pierluigi, Thank you for your review! Glad to hear that the shipment and configuration of the device went well. Too bad you are dissatisfied with your purchase and gave us a 5/10. Our apologies for the mistake with the installation of the OS on the wrong SSD. We do all the installations and configurations by hand and it turns out that things can go wrong once. We will make efforts to prevent this from happening in the future. Next time please send us a message directly (phone, email, whatsapp, contact form), I could have given you instructions so that you could easily and quickly clone the system to the correct SSD. But I see that you have since done a reinstallation yourself. Because you have performed a reinstallation, I have also sent you an e-mail with the necessary instructions and drivers for the NS50MU. We do not provide the service manual with our laptops by default. Most of our customers have no interest in it. It's almost 100 pages long and therefore a waste of paper to include with every laptop. You can always request this manual from us. I have sent you a mail with the service manual for the Clevo NS50MU. Sincerely, Laptopwithlinux
Hi Alex, Thank you very much for your comprehensive review! I have sent you a mail with instructions on how to solve the fan. You may still need firmware for the fan control (because you have chosen to install Linux yourself). Sincerely, LaptopwithLinux
Hallo Anneke, Hartelijk dank voor uw beoordeling. Dit wordt enorm gewaardeerd! Hierbij de antwoorden op uw vragen - Hoe kom je in het grub menu? Sinds dat systemen UEFI gebruiken kunt u het GRUB menu bereiken door middel van de Esc toets. Zodra u het bootlogo ziet (de tux) drukt u eenmalig op de Esc toets en wordt het GRUB menu weergegeven. Het laden van het systeem gaat erg snel. Het kan gebeuren dat u dit mogelijk nogmaals dient te proberen als het niet lukt. - In het bios menu komen is geen probleem , maar de lay-out is volledig veranderd. Is er een handleiding hoe je te werk moet gaan? Klopt! Inmiddels is BIOS verouderd en zijn alle nieuwe systemen overgegaan naar UEFI (een wat meer grafische weergave). U zou vrijwel dezelfde instellingen moeten kunnen vinden als dat u in een BIOS zou zien. Via f2 tijdens boot kunt u het UEFI menu vinden en via f7 tijdens boot het opstartmenu (zo kunt u bijv. een opstartbare USB drive laten opstarten). - Clevo NL51LU is onbekend, is daar meer informatie over? Ik denk dat de antwoorden op de bovenstaande vragen, ook deze vraag van antwoord voorziet. Clevo is inderdaad niet een bekend merk voor velen. Dit heeft mede als reden dat Clevo een OEM/ODM fabrikant is. Diverse Clevo afnemers, rebranden de producten. Op eigen bodem zien we bijv. BTO en SKIKK die dit doen. Het zijn Clevo laptops, maar deze bedrijven zetten hun eigen logo en merknamen op de producten. Wij hebben er bewust voor gekozen om onze systemen onder de officiële naam van de fabrikant te leveren en zonder logo's of merknamen (oftewel, clean/brandless). Niet te vergeten dat wij als Linux Specialist onze systemen volledig compatible/functioneel maken met diverse Linux distro's. Mocht u nog meer informatie wensen, horen wij uiteraard graag van u! Stuur ons een mailtje of bel even :). Met vriendelijke groet, Comexr BV - LaptopmetLinux
Hi Prem, Thank you for your review. We are very sorry that you are experiencing these problems on your new laptop. We would have liked to have had a chance to resolve this for you by analysing the problem(s). Of course you should receive a laptop that works properly. In view of this situation and because you wish to return the laptop without any assistance, we would like to offer you a UPS shipping label that allows you to return your purchase free of charge. We apologise for the inconvenience. Sincerely, LaptopwithLinux - Comexr BV
Hi Garret, Thank you for your review! This is a question we would like to answer for you. In the future, please feel free to send us an e-mail :) The initial user is a member of sudo. You will therefore be able to run commands as Sudo with your current user. We do not create a separate root user for the system. Fedora does not have a separate Root user by default, as do many other distros. Red Hat (like Debian) may have one by default. On this Fedora page you can find information about setting up users with sudo privileges, running commands as sudo, and information about using sudo in Fedora: Sincerely, LaptopwithLinux
Dear Giulio, First of all, thank you very much for your review of the Clevo PC70DP! We are very sorry to hear that this laptop did not live up to your expectations. Also very strange that the NVIDIA driver was removed spontaneously. This is the most powerful laptop we offer, with very powerful Intel Core i7 CPU and dedicated Nvidia graphics card (RTX3060, RTX3070 or RTX3080). All this in a very compact and thin casing. It is not a model that is very silent because of the high-performance hardware and the compact size of the laptop. For solving the sound (the speakers) after the reinstallation you have done, we have sent you the solution. An extra ALSA option needs to be added for the functionality because Mint is currently still using old versions. It is also important to install the latest Nvidia driver because of the brand new NVIDIA graphics card to get the best performance. Nevertheless, we have pointed out to you the 14 days right of return in which you have the right to return the purchase without giving any reason. We offer these 14 days right of return because we know very well that customers often have personal wishes and requirements concerning a laptop. Therefore, you have exercised your 14-day right of return and we have refunded you the full purchase price. If there is anything else we can do for you such as helping you to find another more suitable laptop (does not necessarily have to be from our company), please let us know! Sincerely, Laptopwithlinux - Comexr BV
Hi Stephan, Thank you very much for your review! Glad to hear that our service was good. Apologies again for the slight delay in delivery. This was due to the national holidays that week here in the Netherlands. Thankfully, the holidays are now over for the time being. Again apologies for missing the HDMI Cable. This was indeed sloppy of us. I assume and hope that we have resolved this properly by now, also partly with your donation to elemetary OS of which I know they are very happy with ;) We wish you a lot of fun with your new Linux Mini with elementary OS! Sincerely, Laptopwithlinux - Comexr BV
Dear Ashley, Thank you very much for your feedback! We are very sorry to hear that you are not satisfied with the delay of the shipment at UK customs. Since the Brexit we have seen indications that there is a political game being played between the EU and the UK. Shipments to British consumers (individuals) arrive very quickly, namely 3 to 5 working days. This is due to the fact that we pay the VAT to UK customs directly when creating the shipping label. For business customers in the UK, this is different. As we are not registered for VAT in the UK, we deliver to business customers in the UK without VAT (like a regular international shipment). Otherwise, as a UK business, you cannot reclaim the VAT. The VAT amount is then determined by UK Customs based on the invoice we provide. This is normally done automatically and very quickly for international shipments. However, since the Brexit, all shipments from EU countries whereby the VAT was not paid in advance will be manually inspected by British Customs. This also happens here in the Netherlands with shipments coming from the UK. This is not the case for shipments to and from the US (so it has characteristics of a political nature). The transit time for business customers from the UK can sometimes be a few days longer because of this (and also COVID still doesn't help either). Not only is this an inconvenient issue, but shipping costs to the UK have also increased six-fold since 1 January 2021. Nevertheless, we find this very unfortunate and we would like to continue to deliver to our customers in the UK very much. We are therefore happy to welcome your feedback and look for an alternative or solution (at least providing a notice/warning for UK companies) to deal with this. For more information on how we handle orders from the UK, please visit this page: In any case, I have passed on this shipment to our account manager at UPS in the hope that he will be able to provide more information on what is causing the package to be stuck. I will continue to monitor the shipment and inform you as soon as I know anything. Sincerely, LaptopwithLinux
Hi Dave, Thank you very much for your feedback. Unfortunately, we have not received any e-mail from you to date. Are you sure that you used the right email address? Because we do receive mail from other customers. To make sure that your message reaches us, you can also use the contact form on our customer service page. This is indeed a shame and very unfortunate because as you can read in other customer ratings, we respond very quickly to questions. You can also call or Whatsap us on 0031850606000. Sincerely, LaptopwithLinux
Hi Christopher, Thank you very much for your review! About the keyboard... You indicate that you received the wrong keyboard, but we delivered the laptop exactly as you ordered it, namely with US International keyboard layout. This is an option you can select on the product page just like the processor or memory. For example, there are people in Belgium who use US International QWERTY, but also people who use Belgian AZERTY. The keyboard layout is a choice you can make while configuring the laptop on our website. We dont select and ship randomly keyboard layouts based on the destination of the laptop. The battery duration is of course completely determined by the final configuration, environmental factors and usage. The Intel Core i3 uses less power than the Intel Core i7, etc. chosen by you. Possibly you can try to change the performance profile in the BIOS to Energy Saving so that the laptop is optimised for the longest battery life. Sincerely, LaptopwithLinux
Hallo Alexander, Hartelijk dank voor de mooie beoordeling en uw begrip omtrent de aflevering door onze koerier UPS! We streven naar premium service en daar hoort een nette aflevering van het pakket ook bij. Het lijkt erop dat de betreffende UPS koerier hier onjuist heeft gehandeld. We nemen daarom uw ervaring met de aflevering van het pakket door UPS zeer serieus en hebben deze informatie (klacht) dan ook doorgegeven aan onze account manager. Nogmaals hartelijk dank! Met vriendelijke groet, LaptopmetLinux
Beste Kurt, Dank voor uw beoordeling. Allereerst onze excuses voor de verlate reactie, natuurlijk gaan we dit probleem met uw accu voor u oplossen. Gezien de laptop functioneert en het deze week (zoals u ook al aangeeft) het enorm druk is zo kort voor kerst en wij met lage bezetting dankzij Corona op een veilige manier proberen om alle bestellingen nog voor kerst de deur uit te krijgen, proberen we prioriteit te geven aan supportvragen waar de laptop bijv. helemaal niet werkt. Ik snap heel goed dat het probleem met de accu vervelend is, maar gelukkig kon u tijdelijk nog doorwerken via het stroomnet begreep ik uit uw email die u twee dagen geleden heeft gestuurd. Wij kunnen een vervangende accu toesturen zodat u deze zelf kunt vervangen of ik kan u een verzendlabel sturen waarmee u de laptop kosteloos kunt retourneren (gezien u de laptop pas heeft) en vervangen wij de accu voor u. Nogmaals onze excuses voor de verlate reactie, echter hoop ik dat u gezien alle omstandigheden u kunt begrijpen waarom wij pas na 2 dagen hebben gereageerd, dan slechts binnen 1 dag wat u normaliter van ons gewend bent. Ik beloof u bij deze dat we het probleem met de accu hoe dan ook voor u gaan oplossen. Na kerst kunt u van ons de normale snelle support verwachten wat u van ons bent gewend. PS. Clevo is een fabrikant gevestigd in Taiwan. In Nederland alleen al zijn er zeker 10 bedrijven die Clevo laptops leveren, al dan niet onder hun eigen merknaam. Natuurlijk neemt dat niet weg dat we graag uw accu willen vervangen en u van support willen voorzien. Met vriendelijke groet, Laptopmetlinux
Thank you for your review in spite of only one star. We are very sorry to hear that you call us 'cheaters'. It is also very unfortunate that you did not try to contact us. I'm very sorry but, you are wrong about the UPS invoice for the additional costs of 100.55 CHF for shipping. I will explain... You are a customer in Switzerland. Switzerland is a country which is not part of the European Union (EU). This means that you do not have to pay VAT with us in the Netherlands (which is part of the EU). You bought the product free of VAT from us. Because you are in Switzerland (again not part of the EU), you are importing from abroad. This means that everything you buy outside Switzerland has to be imported into Switzerland. When you import into Switzerland, you will have to pay the VAT and possible import duties to Swiss Customs. UPS's invoice does not include shipping costs, but the customs clearance (VAT and import duties) that UPS has advanced for you to Swiss Customs. You should know how cheap you were able to purchase this laptop in comparison to EU customers. You don't pay us the Dutch 21% VAT, but you only pay the Swiss customs the 8% VAT rate you pay in Switzerland. You are, of course, free to make a purchase from Lenovo next time. Please bear in mind that you will then receive an additional charge for Swiss VAT regardless. Sincerely, Laptopwithlinux - Team
Hi Bill, Thank you for your company review. Of course we find it extremely disappointing to hear that your order has not yet arrived in Mexico. This was an automatic mail with the question if everything is okay and an invitation to publish a review. We would have appreciated it if you had contacted us directly and gave us a chance instead of using this way (publishing a bad company review). We will of course do everything we can to trace the package and finally deliver it to you.Should the shipment get lost, we can then quickly intervene to prevent further delay and damage. This is a shipment with PostNL International Parcel. PostNL is of course not located in Mexico, so they transfer the parcel to the postal company in the country of destination (Mexico Post). Through this website you can see, for example, that the parcel arrived in Mexico on 3 November and was transferred to Mexico Post: 2020-11-03 07:48 The consignment has arrived in the country of destination 2020-11-03 07:48 The item has arrived in the country of destination 2020-10-31 16:54 The item is on transport to the country of destination 2020-10-29 14:05 The item is at the PostNL sorting center 2020-10-29 14:05 The item is processed at the PostNL sorting center 2020-10-28 19:48 The item is accepted by PostNL Can you try to trace the parcel on the Mexico Post website? It is possible that there is a delay at MexicoPost or the package is stuck at customs (you may have to pay import duties and/or VAT on import). Sincerely, Laptop with Linux Team
Dear Derek, Thank you very much for your beautiful review! I have to say that the L141CU is the only laptop where only US International is an option. I believe this is also clearly stated on the product page and you were aware of this in advance. This has to do with the fact that unfortunately we cannot import the L141CU anymore with a blank keyboard (so we can laser engrave the keyboard layout). Sorry for the inconvenience. Sincerely, LaptopwithLinux
Beste Wim, Hartelijk dank voor uw beoordeling! Wordt zeer gewaardeerd. Wij gaan uw feedback omtrent de verzendverpakking uiteraard oppakken! Met het oog op duurzaamheid proberen wij zo veel mogelijk verzendmateriaal van onze toeleveranciers te hergebruiken. Helaas is dit in uw geval dus niet goed bevallen. PS. normaal tapen wij het pakket in met waarschuwingstape als 'Breekbaar' in 3 talen, maar helaas was het tape afgelopen week op. Onze excuses hiervoor! Erg vervelend om te horen dat u inmiddels een slechte ervaring met UPS heeft gekregen. Wij bieden twee verzendopties aan, UPS en PostNL. Wij verzenden het liefst met UPS, ondanks dat ze de duurste transporteur zijn. Dit omdat ze normaliter juist voorzichtiger met de pakketten omgaan (nette bezorgers, geen overvolle bussen, enz) wat bij een dure investering als een laptop zeer gewenst is. Dit is in uw geval dus niet gebeurt. Wij nemen uw klacht over de verzending zeer serieus en hebben hiervan tevens een aantekening gemaakt naar UPS. Dit kan niet nogmaals gebeuren. Excuses voor het ongemak! Met vriendelijke groet, LaptopmetLinux
Beste Klant, Hartelijk dank voor het geven van deze prachtige beoordeling. De toetsenbordverlichting is wel te veranderen in kleur met de FN-toetsen op Linux. Normaliter configureren wij dit voor de klanten die hebben gekozen voor een Linux OS, maar u heeft ervoor gekozen om zelf het besturingssysteem te installeren. Wat uiteraard geen enkel probleem is ;). We hebben u de instructies voor het configureren van de toetsenbordverlichting per e-mail toegestuurd. Met vriendelijke groet,
Beste Laurens, Dank voor uw prachtige beoordeling. In tegenstelling tot Windows, is het bij Ubuntu verplicht om een wachtwoord in te stellen tijdens de installatie/configuratie. Wij zijn op de hoogte over de onduidelijkheid van het standaard wachtwoord. Wij zijn bezig met een betere methode om het wachtwoord van een Linux laptop te verstrekken aan onze klanten. Tevens meer informatie over hoe het wachtwoord te wijzigen is. U leest hier hoe het wachtwoord in slechts enkele stappen te wijzigen is: Met vriendelijke groet, Klantenservice Comexr B.V.
Reactie van het bedrijf
Dear reviewer, First of all thank you very much for your feedback and taking the time to post this review. We apologise for your bad experience. This is definitely not how our customer service acts. We have tried to search for an order and contact details through our communication channels. Unfortunately, we cannot find any of your details, nor did you provide a product, customer name or order number. We wonder if you did have communicated with us. We would be happy to help you further, but would please receive an order number so that we can possibly find the relevant information. Please contact us through any of the available contact methods on this page: Sincerely,